Green Toning

green toning

Laser Treatment for Melasma

The StarWalker laser by Fotona harnesses a powerful 2-step process for the reduction of unwanted facial pigment, dark under-eye circles, and uneven skin tone.

Do you see signs of sun damage in your reflection? For people with Asian or Latino complexions, hyperpigmentation, darkened scars, and melasma can be a frustrating or embarrassing issue.

Green Toning is not only safe for darker skin types prone to hyperpigmentation, but it is also considered this year’s go-to laser skin rejuvenation technique.

Green Toning reduces pore size, improves skin colouring, repairs the look of sun damage, and helps smooth treatment areas. In fact, the StarWalker laser is so multifaceted and capable, it allows us to treat melasma/hyperpigmentation and redness at multiple levels with customized Fotona pico wavelengths.

Green Toning Treatment

Green Toning has very few associated risks or complications. However, your practitioner will inform you about pre-treatment and post-treatment protocols to ensure your safety and optimal results.

Potential concerns related to all laser treatments include:

  • Hyperpigmentation – Pigmented areas may appear temporarily darker, and lightening agents can help fade unwanted darkening.
  • Hypopigmentation – Loss of skin pigmentation after laser treatment is rare.
  • Prolonged inflammation or redness – Typically, temporary redness fades within 24 hours, but it may last longer in some cases.
  • Bacterial or viral infection – Some laser treatments trigger herpes simplex outbreaks. It’s important to let us know if you are susceptible to cold sores or other viral conditions.

To keep your complexion flawless, it’s essential to follow your gentle post-treatment care instructions and avoid sun exposure throughout the Green Toning treatment period. Most people are advised to schedule 3 to 4 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart.

Who is an ideal candidate for Green Toning?

Green Toning can help reduce melasma, chloasma, and pigmentation in the epidermal and dermal skin layer.

Fair-skinned and people with medium, Asian skin tones (types 1 to 3) make excellent candidates. Your Green Toning treatments can be combined with chemical peels and other lasers. Plus, Zinovations experts will be happy to advise you on high-quality, medical-grade skincare formulas designed to further brighten, exfoliate, and tone your complexion.

Because of StarWalker’s innovative short-pulse, non-thermal modality, the Green Toning treatment is considered safe and offers fast recovery for a diverse range of skin types. However, some highly pigmented lesions may respond better to intensive peels such as the TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel. Your personalized consultation is the first step to discover your skin’s unique needs and which treatment protocol will best help you reach your goals.

Skin tone maintenance recommendations

Once you’ve achieved your desired complexion balance with Green Toning, we might recommend that you maintain your fresh, clear look with 1 or 2 maintenance treatments per year. Additionally, there are a few smart, easy ways to prevent the return of sunspots and melasma while taking excellent care of your skin at home.

First, investigating the cause of reoccurring melasma is helpful, as you may have a hormone imbalance or take medication such as contraception that contributes to it.

Next, daily UV protection and UV avoidance is a must once you’ve invested the time and effort into resetting your blemish-free skin. Especially in the case of melasma, UV radiation is a key factor in developing and exacerbating this issue, so you’ll want to commit to covering up and avoiding sun damage all year long.

Request a consultation

If you’re ready to take the next step or simply wish to learn more about our services, please fill out the form below to request a consultation.

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