Restylane Lyft

restylane lyft

What is Restylane Lyft?

Restylane Lyft is a safe, effective, and dissolvable HA filler specifically designed to create structure in the cheek area or add fullness in the backs of the hands by replenishing lost volume for a more youthful-looking appearance.

How does Restylane Lyft work?

Restylane Lyft consists of individual injections that contain hyaluronic acid, lidocaine, and water. The combination of HA and water creates a plumping effect, which adds volume beneath your skin upon injection. This helps to temporarily smooth out wrinkles in the target area. Future follow-up treatments are necessary to help maintain these effects.

The addition of lidocaine in Restylane Lyft helps to minimize any pain during the procedure. This can also help save time, as you won’t need to wait for a separate pain reliever to take effect before each treatment.

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Zinovations combines years of experience with ground-breaking technology and genuine care. Our experts consult with you every step of the way; we want to know you and your goals to provide treatment you can trust. Our team of aestheticians, doctors, and staff works tirelessly to provide the personalized care you deserve–with beautiful results.

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